
org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Filesystem.BTRFS — BTRFS filesystem interface exported on block objects


AddDevice       (IN  o      device,
                 IN  a{sv}  options);
RemoveDevice    (IN  o      device,
                 IN  a{sv}  options);
CreateSubvolume (IN  s      name,
                 IN  a{sv}  options);
RemoveSubvolume (IN  s      name,
                 IN  a{sv}  options);
GetSubvolumes   (IN  b      snapshots_only,
                 IN  a{sv}  options,
                 OUT a(tts) subvolumes,
                 OUT i      subvolumes_cnt);
CreateSnapshot  (IN  s      source,
                 IN  s      dest,
                 IN  b      ro,
                 IN  a{sv}  options);
Repair          (IN  a{sv}  options);
Resize          (IN  t      size,
                 IN  a{sv}  options);
SetLabel        (IN  s      label,
                 IN  a{sv}  options);


label        readable   s
uuid         readable   s
num_devices  readable   t
used         readable   t


This interface is used for org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Block devices that has been filtered through BTRFS plugin.

Since 2.1.3

Method Details

The AddDevice() method

AddDevice (IN  o     device,
           IN  a{sv} options);

Adds the device to the volume.

No additional options are currently defined.

Changed in version 2.7.0.

IN o device:

Object path of a device to be added to BTRFS volume.

IN a{sv} options:

Additional options.

Since 2.3.0

The RemoveDevice() method

RemoveDevice (IN  o     device,
              IN  a{sv} options);

Removes the device from the volume.

No additional options are currently defined.

Changed in version 2.7.0.

IN o device:

Object path of a device to be removed from BTRFS volume.

IN a{sv} options:

Additional options.

Since 2.3.0

The CreateSubvolume() method

CreateSubvolume (IN  s     name,
                 IN  a{sv} options);

Creates a new subvolume.

No additional options are currently defined.

IN s name:

Name of a new subvolume.

IN a{sv} options:

Additional options.

Since 2.1.3

The RemoveSubvolume() method

RemoveSubvolume (IN  s     name,
                 IN  a{sv} options);

Deletes a subvolume.

No additional options are currently defined.

IN s name:

Name of the subvolume to be deleted.

IN a{sv} options:

Additional options.

Since 2.1.3

The GetSubvolumes() method

GetSubvolumes (IN  b      snapshots_only,
               IN  a{sv}  options,
               OUT a(tts) subvolumes,
               OUT i      subvolumes_cnt);

Returns a list of subvolumes.

No additional options are currently defined.

IN b snapshots_only:

True if to list only snapshot subvolumes; False otherwise.

IN a{sv} options:

Additional options.

OUT a(tts) subvolumes:

Structure containing subvolume id, parent_id and path.

OUT i subvolumes_cnt:

The number of returned elements.

Since 2.1.3

The CreateSnapshot() method

CreateSnapshot (IN  s     source,
                IN  s     dest,
                IN  b     ro,
                IN  a{sv} options);

Creates a snapshot.

No additional options are currently defined.

IN s source:

Name of the source subvolume.

IN s dest:

Name for the new snapshot volume.

IN b ro:

True if the snapshot should be read-only; False otherwise.

IN a{sv} options:

Additional options.

Since 2.1.3

The Repair() method

Repair (IN  a{sv} options);

Checks and repairs btrfs volume.

No additional options are currently defined.

IN a{sv} options:

Additional options.

Since 2.3.0

The Resize() method

Resize (IN  t     size,
        IN  a{sv} options);

Resizes the volume.

No additional options are currently defined.

IN t size:

Requested new size in Bytes.

IN a{sv} options:

Additional options.

Since 2.3.0

The SetLabel() method

SetLabel (IN  s     label,
          IN  a{sv} options);

Sets a new label for the given volume.

No additional options are currently defined.

IN s label:

New label.

IN a{sv} options:

Additional options.

Since 2.1.3

Property Details

The "label" property

label  readable   s

Since 2.1.3

The "uuid" property

uuid  readable   s

Since 2.1.3

The "num_devices" property

num_devices  readable   t

Since 2.1.3

The "used" property

used  readable   t

Since 2.1.3