API changes in libblockdev 3.0

This is a list of API changes in libblockdev 3.0 with suggested replacements.

LVM plugin

bd_lvm_data_lv_name() has been removed, use data_lv from BDLVMLVdata instead.

bd_lvm_metadadata_lv_name() has been removed, use metadata_lv from BDLVMLVdata instead.

BD_LVM_MAX_LV_SIZE constant has been removed, use bd_lvm_get_max_lv_size() instead.

VDO plugin

VDO plugin has been removed.

NVDIMM plugin

bd_nvdimm_namepace_get_supported_sector_sizes has been removed, use bd_nvdimm_namespace_get_supported_sector_sizes instead.

FS plugin

bd_fs_clean and bd_fs_wipe have new parameter force that allows controlling whether the signatures will be removed from a mounted device or not. Use TRUE to preserve the original behaviour.

Following functions have a new parameter fstype that allows to skip scanning the device for signature. Use NULL to preserve the original behaviour. Affected functions: bd_fs_resize, bd_fs_repair, bd_fs_check, bd_fs_set_label, bd_fs_set_uuid, bd_fs_get_size and bd_fs_get_free_space

Type-specific bd_fs_..._wipe functions have been removed. Use bd_fs_wipe or bd_fs_clean instead. Affected functions: bd_fs_btrfs_wipe, bd_fs_ext2_wipe, bd_fs_ext3_wipe, bd_fs_ext4_wipe, bd_fs_exfat_wipe, bd_fs_f2fs_wipe, bd_fs_nilfs2_wipe, bd_fs_ntfs_wipe, bd_fs_vfat_wipe, bd_fs_udf_wipe, bd_fs_xfs_wipe